DRP Female Liaison Officer Guidelines

The FLO is the female official required to be part of every management team involving female players. This requirement is set out in Rule 325 of the LGFA Official Guide.  All teams must have a female liaison officer in place.

Role Description

Every team must appoint a female liaison officer (FLO) and it is essential that the person selected has the required skills for the role as they are a key link between management teams, players and club executives.

It is important each FLO discusses their role with management and club executive at the start of each season.  The FLO report to and is accountable to the club executive.


The FLO shall:

  1. Be the female presence on the Management Team, ideally should not be a selector or part of coaching team as should be neutral to all but not always possible at club level
  2. Liaise between the Team (management and players) and the Club Executive
  3. Liaise between the players and the management team
  4. Ensure training and training methods are appropriate for females and target age group
  5. Ensure Code of Best Practice is adhered to i.e. Code of Conducts, Travel Permission Forms, Parental Consent Forms
  6. Act as an advisory resource for players
  7. Organise logistics where required
  8. Monitor drop out from Club Teams

Resources and Training

To help FLOs in their role, the LGFA have devised a self-led training module which is available on the GAA eLearning platform.